10 years of experience


Owner : Charles Jones

Servicing Moles in Southwest Iowa to help maintain structural integrity of your home & keep the pesky critters out of your lawn .

Our Services Start out at an annual $84.95 for the 1st treatment up to 10 worms . Additional worms are $4.00 each . ( ex. $84.95 + (10 Worms x $4.00) = $124.95 ) + Tax .

Our Employees will come service your lawn to eradicate your Mole infestations .

After the first Application we service our customers Bi-weekly or Monthly to control the infestation . This includes border control once the initial infestation is under control .

We can come by to estimate the cost of our services to treat your lawn for free , the bids are valid for one week after paper work is filled out & left at the property .

We offer 5% discounts to senior citizens 62 years of age or older .

We offer a 5% discount to military veterans &/or first responders .

Please call the owner Charles Jones at (712)326-4688 for any additional questions !

Thank You ! (: